Candis Invoice Data API
The invoice data API has a lot more data to offer than the other two APIs.
- Id (Unique Identifier)
- Created at
- Updated at
- Requested at
- Approved at
- Amount
- Value
- Currency code
- Automatic payment (DATEV only)
- Bank
- Swift code
- Posting
- Due date
- Cost center
- Cost object
- Extra Cost Info (Add-on, not available for everyone)
- Artist social insurance code (Add-on, not available for everyone)
- Tax code
- Note
- Posting text (Add-on, not available for everyone)
- Payment Condition
- Discount amount
- Discount payment date
- Discount percentage
- Document Type
- Contact
- Contact name
- Account payable number
- Account receivable number (DATEV only)
- Delivery date
- Invoice date
- Invoice ID
- Payment
- Is paid
- Method (Payment method used)
- Paid at
- Status
- Purchase Order Number
With those fields, it is possible to create KPIs and accruals, or use invoice data in Candis for further analysis and reporting.
Updated 30 days ago